Some dental imperfections can be resolved simply by having professional Teeth Cleaning in Midwest City OK performed. These imperfections may be relatively minor, but improving the look of the patient’s smile can make an individual look more youthful and feel more confident.
Teeth Polishing
When someone hasn’t had their teeth professionally cleaned in a long time, they will be surprised at how much brighter their teeth are after surface stains are removed with a specific type of rotating brush and some polishing paste. This type of cleaning removes staining from months, or even years, of coffee and red wine consumption, for example. Bright, white teeth are associated with youth, so any improvement in this respect can make the patient look younger.
Tartar Removal
Tartar removal during professional Teeth Cleaning in Midwest City OK also spruces up the way teeth look in addition to providing an important function. When someone goes years without professional cleaning of the teeth, tartar can build up substantially. It may begin to show on the front of the teeth. A large amount of tartar on the backs of the front teeth makes them look darker. The main functional advantage to removing tartar is ending the irritation and inflammation that can develop on the gum tissue. That hard calculus on the teeth that gradually forms from sticky plaque irritates the soft tissue next to it.
Dental Insurance
Although this kind of service at a clinic like Sunnylane Family Dentistry may be considered cosmetic, the fact that it has important functions means that dental insurance covers the treatment. Usually, the policy covers twice-yearly cleanings and exams as preventive services. Patients prevent gum disease and can have small areas of tooth decay filled before it spreads to adjacent teeth.
Whitening Treatments
After teeth cleaning, if the patient would like to start whitening treatments, the treatment can improve the bright look of the enamel even further. The first couple of treatments are performed at the clinic, after which the patient has the option of continuing at home. It’s best to start this process relatively soon after professional cleaning so the person knows what his or her maximum brightness is without extra treatment. You can also visit them on Facebook.