Visiting a Dental Clinic in Lakehurst NJ For Periodontal Work

by | Dec 12, 2019 | Dentist

Periodontics is a specialty of dentistry that focuses on the prevention, diagnosis, and the treatment of the dental tissue diseases (i.e. the alveolar bone, the gum, and also the ligaments). Note that the periodontium refers to the structure surrounding the tooth. This includes a crown covered with enamel (the visible part in the mouth), and a root, which allows the mouth to anchor the tooth under the gum. Seeing a dental clinic in Lakehurst NJ is a must for proper periodontal care.

When should a person see a periodontist?

A periodontist treats periodontal diseases, which are microbial or bacterial infections that slowly deteriorate the support tissues of teeth. Bacteria gather between a person’s gum line and teeth and will cause countless inflammatory and localized conditions, like periodontitis or gingivitis. These two dental problems are inflammatory diseases that affect the bone and gingiva around a patient’s teeth and are considered the biggest reasons for tooth loss.
Thus, a dental clinic in Lakehurst NJ should be able to treat individuals with these symptoms.
* Noticeable periodontal pockets

* Sore gum

* Bleeding gums

* Bad breath

* Teeth that have fallen out

Other risk factors

Individuals with any type of immune deficiency may be more susceptible to these conditions. Added risks are known to further the existence of periodontal diseases like:

* Poor hygiene which can consist of dental plaque or tartar

* Smoking

* Stress


Advanced Dental Sedation can determine, using specific tests, whether particularly harmful bacteria are present in a patient’s periodontal pockets. Especially in cases of recurrence or poor outcome after treatment, these additional examinations may be useful to evaluate whether additional treatment with antibiotics is indicated. However, the main signs of periodontitis remain bleeding gums, the presence of pockets, and detectable bone destruction on radiographs.

Dental mobility is a sign of advanced periodontal destruction. This damage can be avoided by scheduling regular screenings by a dentist and by periodontal therapy initiated at an early stage of the disease. Getting the right dental care does not mean paying the most or seeing a well-known professional; it simply means understanding the process and then making a decision on who will care for your dental needs. Browse our website to learn more.